Nikka Barrel 500ml
Nikka Straight from the barrel is no exception. Composed of blended single malts from both the Miyagikyo and Yoichi distilleries
The Old Bastard Shiraz is the essence of the Barossa Valley and is a true testament to the history, soils and place that is the Barossa. The oldest vineyards in the Old Vine Trio, with planted in 1893, the Kaesler Old Bastard Shiraz is one of Australia’s most collected wines and is considered a benchmark for premium Barossa Shiraz around the world.
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Eyes: Dense deep purple, with vibrant youthful hues.
Nose: Lifted plum, redcurrant, some earth and a hint of charry oak in the background.
Palate: An iron fist wrapped in a velvet glove, the 2020 is deep and brooding, from an incredibly low yielding vintage, this wine demands time in the cellar before opening.
Body: Full
Nikka Straight from the barrel is no exception. Composed of blended single malts from both the Miyagikyo and Yoichi distilleries
Apart from Single Malts, Suntory also produce a premium series of blended whiskies under the label 'Hibiki' (meaning 'harmony'). However, the Hibiki 17 year old contains an unusually high proportion of Single Malt for a blend
Lark Distillery has been going for well over twenty years now. The first 'Classic Cask' releases celebrated the distillery's use of quarter sized casks
the port cask here takes back seat to the malt, though not without adding hints of dried red berries